Random file
This function returns a random file from a given folder. It also allows extension filtering.
function RandomFile($folder='', $extensions='.*'){ // fix path: $folder = trim($folder); $folder = ($folder == '') ? './' : $folder; // check folder: if (!is_dir($folder)){ die('invalid folder given!'); } // create files array $files = array(); // open directory if ($dir = @opendir($folder)){ // go trough all files: while($file = readdir($dir)){ if (!preg_match('/^\.+$/', $file) and preg_match('/\.('.$extensions.')$/', $file)){ // feed the array: $files[] = $file; } } // close directory closedir($dir); } else { die('Could not open the folder "'.$folder.'"'); } if (count($files) == 0){ die('No files where found :-('); } // seed random function: mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000); // get an random index: $rand = mt_rand(0, count($files)-1); // check again: if (!isset($files[$rand])){ die('Array index was not found! very strange!'); } // return the random file: return $folder . $files[$rand]; }
Snippet Details
AuthorJonas John
LicensePublic Domain
Tagsdirectory functions, folder, files, random
// "jpg|png|gif" matches all files with these extensions print RandomFile('test_images/','jpg|png|gif'); // returns test_07.gif // ".*" matches all extensions (all files) print RandomFile('test_files/','.*'); // returns foobar_1.zip // "[0-9]+" matches all extensions that just // contain numbers (like backup.1, backup.2) print RandomFile('test_files/','[0-9]+'); // returns backup.7
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Older comments:
sharmili February 19, 2011 at 07:34
Though i tried to generate a file with this code, i couldn't find any inside the folder. What could be the issue?
Raphaƫl November 04, 2010 at 13:39
Great ! Good work.
Daniel May 21, 2009 at 10:01
Hy, and first sorry for my poor english.
I have been looking for long time for such a script. I am beginer in php.
I started to develop a such script but it is" stronger " by me...and i have a lot of errors.
I try to make a script to send to an random email an random html file ( with link insertion inside) from a folder or from a random folder.
I was able to make the post to email script ( without random loaded from a xls file) But the rest it is too hard for me.
I do not understand from your script:
where I indicate the folder path? I want to put near the script.php a folder "folder" containing all trhe html file...but where I will indicate its path?
I have been looking for long time for such a script. I am beginer in php.
I started to develop a such script but it is" stronger " by me...and i have a lot of errors.
I try to make a script to send to an random email an random html file ( with link insertion inside) from a folder or from a random folder.
I was able to make the post to email script ( without random loaded from a xls file) But the rest it is too hard for me.
I do not understand from your script:
where I indicate the folder path? I want to put near the script.php a folder "folder" containing all trhe html file...but where I will indicate its path?