Prefix and suffix

Prefixes or suffixes a string with n times char

function str_prefix($str, $n=1, $char=" "){
    for ($x=0;$x<$n;$x++){ $str = $char . $str; } 
    return $str; 
function str_suffix($str, $n=1, $char=" "){
    for ($x=0;$x<$n;$x++){ $str = $str . $char; } 
    return $str; 
Snippet Details

str_prefix('test', 3, '-') => returns '---test'<br/>str_suffix('test', 3, '-') => returns 'test---'<br/>

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Older comments:

bobchin February 12, 2008 at 02:54
function str_prefix($str, $n=1, $char=" "){
return str_repeat($char, $n) . $str;