Natsort example
Shows the advantages of natsort() in comparison to sort().
// create a example array $array_1 = array( 'pic10.jpg', 'pic3.jpg', 'pic1.jpg', 'pic7.jpg', 'pic99.jpg', 'pic127.jpg' ); // copy array 1 $array_2 = $array_1; sort($array_1); print "Standard sorting algorithm:<br/>\n"; print_r($array_1); print "\n\n"; natsort($array_2); print "Natural order sorting:<br/>\n"; print_r($array_2); /* Output: Standard sorting algorithm Array ( [0] => pic1.jpg [1] => pic10.jpg [2] => pic127.jpg [3] => pic3.jpg [4] => pic7.jpg [5] => pic99.jpg ) Natural order sorting Array ( [2] => pic1.jpg [1] => pic3.jpg [3] => pic7.jpg [0] => pic10.jpg [4] => pic99.jpg [5] => pic127.jpg ) */
Snippet Details
AuthorJonas John
LicensePublic Domain
Tagsarray functions, sorting, tutorials
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