How to calculate the size of a directory
Returns the filesize of a whole folder including all sub folders and files.
/** * Calculate the full size of a directory * * @author Jonas John * @version 0.2 * @link * @param string $DirectoryPath Directory path */ function CalcDirectorySize($DirectoryPath) { // I reccomend using a normalize_path function here // to make sure $DirectoryPath contains an ending slash // (-> // To display a good looking size you can use a readable_filesize // function. // (-> $Size = 0; $Dir = opendir($DirectoryPath); if (!$Dir) return -1; while (($File = readdir($Dir)) !== false) { // Skip file pointers if ($File[0] == '.') continue; // Go recursive down, or add the file size if (is_dir($DirectoryPath . $File)) $Size += CalcDirectorySize($DirectoryPath . $File . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); else $Size += filesize($DirectoryPath . $File); } closedir($Dir); return $Size; }
Snippet Details
AuthorJonas John
LicensePublic Domain
Tagsdirectory functions, files, size
- Related links
$SizeInBytes = CalcDirectorySize('data/');
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Older comments:
Shagshag February 13, 2011 at 00:38
private function dirsize($dir) {
$size = 0;
if (is_dir($dir)) {
$objects = scandir($dir);
foreach ($objects as $object)
if ($object != "." && $object != ".." && $object != 'index.php')
if (filetype($dir."/".$object) == "dir")
$size += $this->dirsize($dir."/".$object);
$size += filesize($dir."/".$object);
return $size;
$size = 0;
if (is_dir($dir)) {
$objects = scandir($dir);
foreach ($objects as $object)
if ($object != "." && $object != ".." && $object != 'index.php')
if (filetype($dir."/".$object) == "dir")
$size += $this->dirsize($dir."/".$object);
$size += filesize($dir."/".$object);
return $size;
theA July 18, 2010 at 07:22
What a Crap! Open and close your IF statements if you post a snippet! Untidy Code!
Took me longer to debug than to write myself, man!
Took me longer to debug than to write myself, man!
Behrooz October 16, 2007 at 19:05
you returned -1 on !$Dir but you didnt handle the -1 result in '$Size += CalcDirectorySize(...'. it would've been better to return 0 and the result wont have those directory sizes included. and I added a $depth to the function witch will cause the program to break on long nested directories. source is available at
Thanks for your great snippets
Thanks for your great snippets
Behrooz October 16, 2007 at 18:37
using "$File[0] == '.'" will skip .htaccess and other files starting with '.'