array_walk debug example
Shows how to use the array_walk function to debug and print an array in a human readable format.
function debug_val($val, $key='', $depth=0) { if (is_array($val)){ // call this function again with the "sub-array": array_walk($val, 'debug_val', $depth+5); } else { // if we hit a string or bool, etc. then print it: print str_repeat(' ', $depth); print '<span style="color: blue;">' . $key . '</span>: '; print var_export($val, true); print "<br/>\n"; } } /*example-start*/ // setup the test array $array = array( 'php', 'cool', array('foo', 1,2,3, array('mixed' => 'bar')), 'php' => 'array', 'yes' => true, 'no' => false ); // debug the array debug_val($array); /*example-end*/
Snippet Details
AuthorJonas John
LicensePublic Domain
Tagsdebug, array functions
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