Converts a decimal value into a hex value. This helps converting RGB colors to HEX.
function dec2hex(n){ n = parseInt(n); var c = 'ABCDEF'; var b = n / 16; var r = n % 16; b = b-(r/16); b = ((b>=0) && (b<=9)) ? b : c.charAt(b-10); return ((r>=0) && (r<=9)) ? b+''+r : b+''+c.charAt(r-10); } /* Examples: --------- rgb(255, 0, 0) = red color = FF0000 dec2hex(255) => FF dec2hex(0) => 00 dec2hex(0) => 00 ------------------------------------ rgb(215, 230, 250) = light blue = D7E6FA dec2hex(255) => D7 dec2hex(0) => E6 dec2hex(0) => FA */
Snippet Details
AuthorJonas John
LicensePublic Domain
Tagshex, rgb, numbers, color functions
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Older comments:
Marc November 28, 2009 at 19:26
one small comment ;)
rgb(215, 230, 250) = light blue = D7E6FA
dec2hex(255) => D7
dec2hex(0) => E6
dec2hex(0) => FA
should be:
rgb(215, 230, 250) = light blue = D7E6FA
dec2hex(215) => D7
dec2hex(230) => E6
dec2hex(250) => FA
rgb(215, 230, 250) = light blue = D7E6FA
dec2hex(255) => D7
dec2hex(0) => E6
dec2hex(0) => FA
should be:
rgb(215, 230, 250) = light blue = D7E6FA
dec2hex(215) => D7
dec2hex(230) => E6
dec2hex(250) => FA
Trogdor August 21, 2009 at 23:36
There is a built-in javascript method for this:
(215).toString(16); // "d7"
(215).toString(16); // "d7"