Advanced go to TOP link

This example shows how to create a advanced "Go to Top" link using JavaScript and HTML anchors...
You will notice that this method will not add a #top to the URL.

<script type="text/javascript">
function init(){
    document.getElementById('gtop').onclick = function(){ 
        return false; 
<a name="top"></a>
<h1>Top position</h1>
    A long text ....<br/>
    A long text ....<br/>
    A long text ....<br/>
    A long text ....<br/>
    A long text ....<br/>
    A long text ....<br/>
<!-- create a long page -->
    Last paragraph.
<a href="#top" id="gtop">Go to top</a>
Snippet Details

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Older comments:

Me June 05, 2009 at 21:33
Because this link:
<a href='#TOP'>Back to top</a>

changes the URL and therefore the Back button doesn't go to the expected previous page.
Bill March 24, 2008 at 17:19
Why complicate such a simple task? All you really need to do is add a simple link like this:

<a href='#TOP'>Back to top</a>

No JavaScript or empty anchor tags required.